Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Joining GoBank

I'm going through the join process right now so I thought I'd describe it to potential customers.

I had requested an invite within 48 hours of hearing about it. You have to go to gobank.com to do that.

I just received an invite through my email. It tells you to go to gobank.com and click on 'join'.

You put the email address into the field and click through - it takes you to a 3 step process.

1 - You tell them whether you want a customized debit card. I didn't choose that since it seems to be a nice looking card.

2 - They ask some questions to identify you as you such as your past addresses etc.

3 - They send codes to your email and phone to verify them. Right now I'm not getting the text message at all to verify.

I've been at this all night they refuse to send the verification text, Will update when I get past that.

Okay for whatever reason it finally worked. I had to ask them to send the code through a voice message even though my phone was receiving texts the whole time.

So I am in and there was nothing but identity verification.

This looks like a great account. When I was having issues joining I was able to get ahold of their Facebook people and Twitter people also I send a help email which they replied to almost immediately and I received a phone call also.

Excellent customer service!!